the  e-journal  to  your  life-plan


with support from nemo and harry potter.

remember they both were stuck in their lives?

time to look at your movie!

getting unstuck.

Know the feeling of being stuck in life?


Normally we think life is about finding purpose and changing everything immediately. Is that a plan that can happen from today to tomorrow? No!



mission possible.

To find your Life-Path.


Changing perspectives help you to actually see where you stand and which steps you need to be take to get to your next level to own the life you really want.

Document insight

from a dead end to clarity.

for seekers

life map

clarity perspectives

  • You know you need a change in your life and still you haven't figured out what it is. 
  • Taking a closer look at the situation you're in to uncover false belief patterns and get you unstuck in order to move towards your purpose.
  • By slipping in heroes shoes from movies you know like Harry Potter or Nemo to create your own journey that is simmering in your imagination of life.

10 phases during the path.

life as it is

  • Your current life. Why Mondays are a struggle to get motivated.

the calling

  • What or who is calling you to wanting to leave your comfort-zone.

the rejection

  • Uncover and explore what is holding you back to live your potential.


  • Diving into the need that supports you will reveal secrets


  • Looking at obstacles that will have to be overcome.


  • People who love you, but projecting their on fears on your dreams.

the test

  • The biggest challenge you will have to overcome for a change. 

the reward

  • Discover what the fulfilling emotion is behind the imagination.

way back

  • Preparing to feel comfortable with the decision of your future. 

new life

  • Taking action towards the life from deep in your heart.

Only you can live the life you have. No one else can do it for you. Make a good one that counts to you!

We will be going trough your life now to discover who you really are and what your journey is. After 4 weeks you will know which steps you need to take towards your purpose. Fill the gab between you and happiness.

10  modules  with  expertise  out  of  therapy

4  weeks  of  fun


to fill out  that will help you with journaling to focus, reconnection and awareness. 

With this 4 week course I will help you to connect with your individuality, current situation and redesigning your future.
You will have a massive change in life to know where your path needs to go.

I've been there and I know what I'm talking about!

There were too many days in my life where I felt depressed and didn't know where my life should go. I know the feeling of

  • wanting to escape and disappear
  • start a complete new life
  • being stuck
  • getting stress symptoms

and many more. It took me a while to overcome all of these habits and emotions with therapy.


By having my own practice I know what questions and methods clients need to overcome blockages and belief patterns.

With this journal I want to inspire you to change perspectives and get unstuck from the life you are having.





Rahel J. Papis Therapy

dipl. Kinesiologin & Hypnosetherapeutin

psychol. Astrologin


cert. Kinesiology & Hypnotherapist

psychol. Astrologer


Mobile / WhatsApp: +41787124432

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