1. Session

Kinesiology: The 1. Session can take up to 90 - 120 Min.

My hourly rate (60Min.) : Fr. 150.-.

Charge for 90 minutes: 250.- (admin costs included)


Hypnotherapy: Single Session 120 - 180 Min.

My hourly rate (60Min.) : Fr. 160.-


Book your single session now and we can uncover what's holding you back and five you the opportunity to feel back in balance. 


Each session is charged per 5 Min. 

In addition, a processing fee of 10 minutes is charged to cover the administrative costs.


Reach for the Stars

A reading lasts 30 or 60 minutes. You can ask me anything. The time is best for specific questions about your past, current situation or personal qualities such as talents, potential or challenges. 


It can help you better align with career, relationships or opportunities.


30 minute reading: $111

60 minute reading: $288

Reinbursement by your insurance

I'm recognized by most supplementary insurances (except Visana) for Kinesiology.

Please ask your insurance if and how much will be reimbursed.


 Hypnotherapy & Astrology are not covered by the supplementary insurance.



payment methods

TWINT & Debitcard

Deregistration / Shift

If you are unable to attend, please cancel 48 hours before your appointment.

Unannounced absences are charged 100%.



A great cause!

By the end of the year I will donate a sum to an organisation for sustainable protection of nature.




Rahel J. Papis Therapy

dipl. Kinesiologin & Hypnosetherapeutin

psychol. Astrologin


cert. Kinesiology & Hypnotherapist

psychol. Astrologer


Mobile / WhatsApp: +41787124432

Google Meet Link:

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