Online Sessions

Therapy works perfectly online.


An online session has the same benefits as a face-to-face meeting. Together we will fill out a form to get an overview where you are standing in life. 


You can have a session comfortably:

  • at home
  • in the office
  • or in another private room


We will continue to discuss your main priorities, and journey:

  • you want to reach
  • how you would want to feel
  • goals you really want

In an online session I have a clear intention to test my own body on your behalf (it's like I'm surrogating for you). I will use many of the same tools and processes that I would personally apply in practice.


With different methods we will neutralize the blockage at the root of its cause. 


At the end of the online session, I test my muscles and ask:

  • Is there anything else we need to know
  • anything else we need to integrate
  • or what we need to clarify

Duration: 90 Minutes

Costs: 250.- / 90 Minutes

Please check in advance with the supplementary insurance whether the costs are covered.

Time to change something? Book your appointment.


Rahel J. Papis Therapy

dipl. Kinesiologin & Hypnosetherapeutin

psychol. Astrologin


cert. Kinesiology & Hypnotherapist

psychol. Astrologer


Mobile / WhatsApp: +41787124432


Google Meet Link:

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