Unlock the secrets of the universe.


let's travel to the stars!

birth-chart readings

Are you curious about what the stars say about you? Discover your unique cosmic blueprint with a personalized birth chart reading.

This reading can be recorded while you talk to me in real time and ask me questions that pop-up in your mind.

You will then receive this recording & birth-chart, which is included in the price. 

1 hour analysis & interpretation

This reading is 60 minutes. In this reading your whole natal chart will be explained. Best used to go in-depth about where you are coming from and how the current transits are affecting your natal chart. Reveal details about your uniqueness, personality traits, relationships, parental influences, past experiences, current situation, untapped talents, potential life paths, and even the challenges you may encounter. Astrology provides a transformative tool to better align your life with the universal principles that govern the universe.



  • Your birth-chart
  • A4 Handout with Planets in the Signs & Houses
  • Transits (current influence of the present planetary position)


As a kinesiology & hypnotherapist, astrology has always fascinated me.

Everyone experiences their own unique story, individuality and influenceable destiny. 


Sharing is Caring!

I want to share my passion, experiences and knowledge for astrology with you.


I can't wait to become your mentor, companion!


See you soon



Rahel J. Papis Therapy

dipl. Kinesiologin & Hypnosetherapeutin

psychol. Astrologin


cert. Kinesiology & Hypnotherapist

psychol. Astrologer


Mobile / WhatsApp: +41787124432

Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/xbu-iwpd-xrw

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